A secret Asus Radeon HD. 5870 And TOP Radeon HD. 5850 Direct Cu

Asus launches special edition video card with Overclock and improve cooling system from the factory. It will come together. 2 Model is Asus Radeon HD. 5870 And TOP Radeon HD. 5850 DirecCu that version. 5870 TOP will have to Overclock the cards from the factory version. 5850 DirectCu will be customized He want to sync by 20% cooler and quieter when compared with 35% He want sync Referrence.

Asus Radeon HD 5870 TOP 01

Asus Radeon HD 5850 DirectCU 01

Other details of the video card. 2 Models are not out in the open horn. If the fall when we come together an instant update to let you know own industry industry industry.