Acer has Announced back in February as an Atom N550-powered machine, the new Acer Aspire One is only now reaching European stores,a new Aspire series netbook named Acer Aspire One D257. Acer Aspire One D257 netbook has many features including 10.1 inches of LED-Backlit display screen with 1024 x 600 pixel of screen resolution and 1.66 GHz Intel Atom N570 dual core processor. This new Acer Aspire One D257 netbook runs on both Google Android and Windows 7 Starter Edition operating system. 3 USB ports are added with this Acer Aspire One D257 netbook along with Ethernet and VGA ports
Acer Aspire One D257 Netbook Specification
- 10.1 inches LED-Backlit display screen 1024 x 600 pixel of screen resolution
- Powered with 1.66 GHz Intel Atom N570 dual core processor
- Runs on Google Android and Windows 7 Starter Edition operating system
- 3 USB ports, VGA,WiFi and Ethernet ports
- 3 or 6 cell battery
- 1 inches of thick and 2.2 pounds of weight
The Acer Aspire One D257 has a recommended price tag of €279 but is listed (for pre-order) at €250.
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